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Emotional Intelligence

A smiling man in casual clothing


Emotional Quotient Inventory® 2.0 (EQ-i® 2.0)


Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth (EQ-i Youth™)


Beck Youth Inventories - Second Edition


Roberts Aperception Test for Children 2 (Roberts-2)


State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2)


Team Emotional and Social Intelligence Survey (TESI)


Profile of Mood States Second Edition® (POMS 2®)


Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment & Preferences for Activities of Children (CAPE/PAC)


Coping Scales


Emotional Intelligence, a critical ingredient for our children’s development


Emotional intelligence through the lens of the indigenous African wisdom: The case of African Proverbs


Christmas holidays: Joy or despair?


Raising your kids with emotional intelligence


Beyond Extra Lessons: Embracing Emotional Intelligence for Student Success

Academy Blogs

Enhancing academic success through emotional intelligence

Academy Blogs

Applying the Johari Window in today’s hybrid work environment

Academy Blogs

The self-aware leader: Balancing insight and impact


Understanding the New EQ-i 2.0 Norms: Key Differences and Practical Implications

Academy Blogs

Embrace Yourself: The Transformative Power of Self-Compassion

Academy Blogs

“Happy me, happy life!”

Academy Blogs

From school to success: Building resilience for a bright future

Academy Blogs

Self-compassion: The secret sauce for business success

Academy Blogs

Navigating career transition: Prioritising your well-being and morale

Academy Blogs

Finding your voice: How to confidently speak up in meetings

Academy Blogs

Leading the change revolution: Insights for dynamic leaders

Academy Blogs

Teamwork: The key to your success

Academy Blogs

Staying motivated and focused in the final stretch

Academy Blogs

How to combat the double-edged sword of holiday cheer

Academy Blogs

Embracing well-being and resilience: Your New Year's resolution for a thriving year

Academy Blogs

Starting a new chapter: Trusting yourself and building self-esteem for success

Academy Blogs

Fostering collaboration across teams: A key to organisational success

Academy Blogs

Creating meaning in any job: A guide for graduates and school-leavers

Academy Blogs

Preventing loneliness in the workplace: A key to employee well-being


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