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Emotional Quotient Inventory® 2.0 (EQ-i® 2.0)

Scientifically measures emotional intelligence.

The EQ-i 2.0 is one of the most advanced and thoroughly researched measures of emotional intelligence in the assessment industry. This tool is indispensable for personal, professional, and leadership development, and for recruiting high performing talent. The EQ-i 2.0 measures a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way people perceive and express themselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. The EQ-i 2.0 highlights an individual’s emotional and social strengths and weaknesses. A growing body of research suggests that emotional intelligence is a key determinant of success in life.  


The EQ-i 2.0 includes five validity indices rendering a Total Emotional Intelligence score plus the following composite scores:

Self-Perception: Self-Regard, Self-Actualisation, Emotional Self-Awareness

Self-Expression: Emotional Expression, Assertiveness, Independence

Interpersonal: Interpersonal Relationships, Empathy, Social Responsibility

Decision Making: Problem Solving, Reality Testing, Impulse Control

Stress Management: Flexibility, Stress Tolerance, Optimism

Well-Being Indicator: Happiness


The EQ-i 2.0 can be used for the following purposes in corporate, human resources, educational, and research settings:

  • To assess a client’s general degree of emotional intelligence, potential for emotional health, and present psychological well-being.

  • To map out areas that need further exploration in the assessment process and to evaluate the successfulness of psychological intervention.


Higher Education Report: Identifies a student’s strengths and weaknesses to enable learning on how to use their strengths and improve weaknesses to achieve optimally in their academic and personal life.

Workplace Report: Focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence at work and offers suggestions for working with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. Both Coach and Client reports are generated for each candidate.

Leadership Report: Rich with leadership-specific information, this report includes the option to compare a client’s results against other top leaders.

Group Report: Combines the scores of individuals in a manner that allows you to make interpretations at the group or team level by presenting an overview of group results that identifies group strengths as well as the areas where the group as a whole can be more effective.

Workplace EQ  360 Report: The multi-rater feedback report combines the rater results and compares them to the participant’s self-ratings.

Leadership EQ 360 Report: Offers the single, most comprehensive view of an individual’s EQ results through four key dimensions of leadership. The report helps you to view your client’s scores through a leadership lens, as well as understand how others see your client as a leader.

Case study: EQ-i 2.0 is a significant predictor of job performance
If you use the EQ-i 2.0, you know how well it works in practice, but now you can quantify its impact with our latest case study.

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