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Combat the burnout pandemic with Neurozone

Chronic stress, lack of meaning, low levels of well-being, and a frantic rate of change all contribute to pandemic levels of burnout worldwide. How can we cope? One word: resilience.

Assess your resilience and get the best strategies to build it.

The Neurozone® Personal Assessment gives you:

  • an overview of your resilience

  • strategies to build your resilience

  • a ranking of the behaviours that will have the biggest impact

Resilience combats burnout by enhancing an individual's ability to manage and adapt to stress.

Resilient individuals can: 

  • regulate their emotions better  

  • maintain a positive outlook  

  • utilise effective coping strategies, reducing the likelihood of becoming overwhelmed by prolonged stress 

From the boardroom to the bench press

Do you sleep enough? Should you be connecting more with others? The Neurozone® Personal Assessment gives practical and personal recommendations.

Addressing well-being and performance by considering multiple interconnected aspects of human health and functioning rather than focusing on isolated elements mean that you build comprehensive resilience.

Listen to Marina Pretorius practically unpack what makes the Neurozone® Personal Assessment different

A practical look at the Neurozone Personal Assessment

Neurozone partners

I want to use the Neurozone Personal assessment

Measure your’s, or others’ level of resilience and get personalised resilience-building recommendations to prevent burnout and set you up for performance.

Simply fill in the form below to get started on your journey to improved resilience.

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More Neurozone offerings


High Performance Resilience Masterclass

Dr Etienne van der Walt shares critical neuroscience insights that can be applied in organisations to build high performance and protect people from burnout.

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Neurozone Personal Assessment Certification

The certification programme equips participants with the necessary skills to administer, interpret, and provide feedback on the Neurozone Personal Assessment.

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