JVR Africa Group Terms of Business

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Environmental Responsibility

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Last updated: 02 November 2023

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Introduction to the Policy Statement

The highly acknowledged and respected King IV refers to the fact that the future depends on the sustainability of work being done today. Such sustainability consists of financial, social, or human and environmental factors.

The highly acknowledged and respected King IV refers to the fact that the future depends on the sustainability of work being done today. Such sustainability consists of financial, social, or human and environmental factors.

Sustaining the environment is also of particular importance for future generations and JVR is committed in this regard as described in this policy statement.

Environmental Measures

The JVR Africa Group is a knowledge-based Group of companies that employs professionally qualified psychologists, technical-, administrative-, and financial staff. The companies do not manufacture or generate any hazardous substances. Most employees work virtually and off-site which has progressively also limited their dependency on paper, printing, and printer cartridges. Utilising such electronic communication services and platforms have done much for JVR to become a paperless organisation and service provider. In addition, most client interaction is done virtually which also limits unnecessary carbon emissions from being in traffic and driving a car.

Environmental legislation

JVR endeavours to always remain compliant and uses guidelines and requirements as specified by ISO 14001:20015.

Continued education, learning, and awareness

A dedicated environmentally responsible awareness team – known as the JVR Ecoholics Team has been established within the JVR Africa Group. This team helps to provide focus on minimising the daily environmental impact within the JVR Africa Group of Companies and in the community and creates awareness and measures on how to reduce the environmental impact, not only within the company, but also in the lives and personal habits of the employees.

This team ensures that regular attention is given to environmental sustainability and JVR’s role to ensure such. The team promotes awareness amongst employees and encourages them to think and work in an environmental responsible manner, e.g., the use of organic materials instead of plastic, to reduce, reuse material, and to recycle rather than throw material away.

Reusable shopping bags have been made available to staff who purchase goods from stores around the JVR offices to limit dependency on plastic bags.

The premises at the JVR Head Office have been planted with indigenous trees and plants that are widely recognised to be environmentally friendly and eliminate carbon from the air.

JVR employees enjoy the birdlife and regularly spend time outside in the garden. Although the offices have air conditioners, these are seldom used given the large windows of the offices, allowing for fresh air, light, and a view of the garden.

Waste and recycling

JVR is committed to responsible waste management and has thus contracted a recycling company which collects our recyclable material, mostly paper, on a regular basis.

At JVR we only purchase what we need and do not invest in non-essential equipment. Used goods, such as electronic material are either donated or recycled with certificates issued for such recycling.

Some of the JVR products do need to be packaged when sent to clients. Such packaging is however recyclable and indications to this effect are highlighted on the packaging.

Energy and power

JVR has invested in harvesting energy from the sun using PV panels in addition to sourcing power from ESKOM. This allows for uninterrupted power supply and continuous working hours independent of the regular power outages which have become a frequent occurrence in South Africa.

Throughout the offices, LED light bulbs are used to ensure the efficient use of the available power supply. This, as well as the minimal use of air-conditioning and the discipline to switch lights off when leaving an office or room, have become entrenched in the habits and actions of JVR staff.


The risks inherent in water supply have warranted JVR to invest in water tanks where rainwater is harvested for irrigation of the garden or other critical uses on the premises. Continuous education is provided to attempt to minimise water consumption by JVR employees and visitors.

Governance, Management Roles, and Accountabilities

The Board of Directors of the JVR Africa Group has mandated the JVR Ecoholics team to promote environmental awareness and adherence to the measures stated in this document.

The Board monitors that the environmental impact responsibility measures are actively applied and adhered to by all the companies within the JVR Africa Group.

In Summary

JVR is committed to providing professional quality services in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises the potential harmful impact on the environment.

As a responsible and compliant business entity in South Africa, driven by the pursuit of ethical behaviour, transparency, and operational excellence, the JVR Africa Group has adoptedthis Environmental Responsibility Policy Statement which will regularly be reviewed and updated.

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