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Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale® – Fourth SA Edition (WAIS®-IV SA)

Measures intelligence in adolescents and adults.

In recognition of emerging demographic and clinical trends internationally, the WAIS-IV SA was developed to provide clinicians with the most advanced measure of cognitive ability. The WAIS-IV SA is a comprehensive measure of adult intelligence that can be used for a variety of psychological purposes;from forming part of a selection battery to determine an individual’s ability to qualify for special services,to identification and treatment of psychological disability. The WAIS-IV SA edition has been adapted to specifically suit the needs of the South African population.


The WAIS-IV SA is composed of 10 core (C) subtests and 5 supplemental (S) subtests, with the 10 core subtests comprising the Full Scale IQ. The WAIS-IV SA produces four index scores made up of the following subtests:

  • Verbal Comprehensive Index (VCI): Similarities(C), Vocabulary(C), Information(C), and Comprehension(S)

  • Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI): Block Design(C), Matrix Reasoning(C), Visual Puzzles(C), Picture Completion(S), and Figure Weights(S)

  • Working Memory Index (WMI): Digit Span(C), Arithmetic(C), and Letter-Number Sequencing(S)

  • Processing Seed Index (PSI): Symbol Search(C), Coding(C), and Cancellation(S)


The WAIS-IV SA can be used in the following areas:

  • Clinical and neuropsychological assessment

  • Psycho-legal assessment (e.g., qualification for disability grants, child custody, personal injury,and incapacity evaluations)

  • Advising displaced and transitioning employees in outplacement programmes

  • Educational planning

  • Psychological research


Hand-Scoring: The WAIS-IV SA is hand-scored and information gathered about the individual can be used to compile an interpretive report.


The WAIS-IV SA has been adapted for use in South Africa and has South African norms available. JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients to conduct further research using the WAIS-IV SA edition in South Africa.

Product Info


Optional Get training

Age range

Individuals 16 years 0 months to 59 years 11 momths<br> 60 years 0 months to 80 years in research phase

Administration time

Not specified


SA Norms


South African English

Administration Platform


Integrated reports



David Wechsler, Adapted for South Africa by JVR Psychometricts (Pty) Ltd.


Pearson Education Ltd 2017

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