The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is the most advanced adult measure of cognitive ability, based on recent research in cognitive neuroscience and the theories and work of Dr David Wechsler.
The WAIS-IV is worldwide one of the most popular assessments of cognitive functioning. It can provide rich information on examinees' cognitive abilities and related constructs. It is a complex test and examiners should ensure that they are skilled in all aspects of the administration, scoring, and interpretation. The aim of this programme is not to turn you into an instant specialist, but rather to provide you with a broad overview of the history, administration, and scoring of this assessment. A case study is used to provide guidance in terms of the interpretation of profiles.
* Please note that this is not a certification programme. You do not have to complete the training in order to use the instrument. However, we strongly advise professionals to be upskilled in any psychometric assessment prior to application.
Course outline:
The programme consists of SIX modules. The first five modules have a quiz that you can complete to test your knowledge.
This programme is valid for 1 month and you will need to complete the full programme within a month of receiving the access link.
*If you require a quotation for any of our learning progammes, please complete the registration form and indicate your quote request in the relevant field.
Is this programme for me?
Registered Psychology Professionals.
*Online courses or programmes are intended to broaden the knowledge of psychology and other professionals but do not constitute a formal qualification. The completion of any course or programme does not licence any person to practice outside their official scope of practice. Professionals should be registered with the HPCSA to perform any psychological act within South Africa.
Course Details
Duration: 6 modules
Presented by: JVR Academy Team
Materials included:
- 6 modules
- Downloadable PowerPoint slides
- Sample report
- Reference material
- 7 CPD's
Prerequisites: Registered Psychology Professionals
Price (South Africa): R1 639.00
Price (Other countries): US $ 96.00
The next step
Maximise your training
with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale® – Fourth SA Edition (WAIS®-IV SA).
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