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Evaluating the relationships between an ICT company's selection battery, values and performance

27 July 2017

Unlocking Success: Discover How Company Values Align with Performance in ICT Industry - Insights from a JVR Psychometrics Study.


JvR Psychometrics was approached by a company in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry to determine whether the selection battery they currently employ relates to their company values assessment and performance ratings.



An overall sample (N = 858) was drawn, which consisted of mostly men (n = 513). The largest ethnicity group within the sample were black candidates (28.50%). The sample consisted of participants from various operations, with the South African operation (20.91%) being the largest. Of the sample, 41% of participants reported having a post-graduate degree and 31.43% were working within the middle and senior management levels.


The research team investigated whether possible relationships existed between the selection battery and (i) the client’s company values assessment, as well as (ii) their current performance measure.



The results indicated that individuals who were rated by others to be living the company values tended to have the following characteristics, clustered into three main themes:


  1. Keep calm and carry on.
    This is characterised by being able to objectively and professionally communicate with lower levels of emotional expression, having a sense of calmness and a high level of stress tolerance.

  2. Be brave.
    This is described by calculated risk-taking, not being overly cautious, taking initiative, making independent decisions and confronting issues head-on.

  3. Think big and be original.
    This involves being innovative, curious, and having the ability to generate new ideas.


The battery also correlated with the results on the employees' performance ratings. High performers in the ICT environment would be described as:


  • Emotionally stable and tolerant of stress;

  • Creative and visionary;

  • Self-confident;

  • Persistent when trying to meet personally meaningful goals;

  • Aware of their emotional states;

  • Understand the impact of emotions on judgment and decision-making

  • Remain positive and resilient when placed under pressure.


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