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Don’t risk a bad hire. Spot them before they cost you.

With the WRISc assessment you can reliably identify high-risk or toxic employees before they wreak havoc on your organisation.

How the WRISC can help you avoid hiring a toxic worker

Purpose-designed integrity measure:

The Work-related Risk and Integrity Scale is a personality-based integrity test specifically designed to screen for counterproductive work behaviour in individuals. The items have been scientifically tested to be valid, reliable, and fair. Even though this assessment uses niche personality constructs, it is not the same as a personality measure.

Potential for toxicity:

The WRISc can both be used as a screening tool to stop toxic employees from entering your organisation and as a tool to identify candidates that show potential for becoming toxic, making it more effective than reference and criminal record checks.

No facades or faking:

The WRISc is known as a covert measure of counterproductive work behaviour. Covert assessments are designed to gather information about counterproductive behaviours without the direct knowledge or awareness of the individuals being assessed. Using the WRISc can therefore reduce Social Desirability Bias, where individuals may provide responses that are socially acceptable rather than reflecting their true behaviour.

Peace of mind:

It is free of bias against race, sex, or age and does not carry any danger of discrimination.

The WRISc is an ASSA certified personality-based integrity measure that can be used for:

  • screening,

  • selection, and

  • recruitment decisions

Hiring the best talent, the top performers, and the superstars to drive profit, innovation, and performance is a KPI of many HR departments.

But research suggests that a toxic employee displaying counterproductive work behaviour can have a disproportionate effect on the well-being, productivity, and overall performance of organisations compared to the impact of a high-performing employee.

Let the WRISc help you to spot the bad hires before they cost you.

Get started using the WRISc in your organisation

I'm a consultant

Step 1: Get WRISc certified. Register here.
GET 50% off if you register for the WRISc certification between now and the 13th of December 2024

Step 2: If you are certified open your JVRO portal and start using the WRISc.
Step 3: If you don't have a JVRO portal open one here - it's free

I'm not a consultant

Step 1: If you are not a behavioural specialist but would like to try using the WRISc, contact us to talk to a Talent Specialist.

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