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Map, Measure, Mobilise (M-Cubed)

Smiling African woman

The JVR Africa Group is a prominent player in the field of psychological services in sub-Saharan Africa. Our offering includes psychological assessments, research, development of surveys and psychological instruments, coaching, team development, and large-scale organisational interventions. 


Our approach can be described in three steps:  

MAP, to understand your context and requirements. 

MEASURE, to assess the individual, team, and/or the organisation. 

MOBILISE, to create and prove value. 


This process does not have to follow in sequence. Depending on your needs, projects can start at any point in the process. 



The first step in our process is to understand your context and requirements. 


In the context of employee selection and development, step 1 is to understand the requirements of a role - a critical step in managing Human Capital. Without identifying these requirements, organisations base their decisions on unreliable and often unnecessary information, which might lead to mistakes and unnecessary costs. To this end, the JVR Africa Group Behavioural Competency Framework has been developed based on research identifying specific behaviours that relate to job performance. 


Behavioural competencies refer to observable and measurable behaviours and attributes that an individual must demonstrate to function effectively in a given job or role. Thus, if an individual displays the behaviour or has the potential to develop the behaviour, this is likely to result in effective on-the-job performance. 


By using our Competency Profiling tool and in consultation with the relevant individuals, we will be able to identify the relevant competencies against our framework. The framework consists of 33 competencies that have been identified as critical behaviours across various roles and industries. 


Each role in an organisation has a unique combination of mission critical competencies. The ideal is to identify the 6 to 8 most important behaviours required in the role and then assess (measure) them. 



The second step is to assess the individual, team, and/or the organisation. 


We can provide you with the means to do this yourself or conduct the assessments on your behalf. 


Continuing the example of employee selection and development - once there is an understanding of what is required, we can measure the critical behaviours utilising a multi-trait-multi-method approach, or we can empower you with the right assessments to run your own process. 


This step can be broken down into two parts:  


The JVR Africa Group takes a holistic view of the individual being assessed, taking cognisance of the organisational context, role requirements, personality suitability, motivational characteristics, cognitive capacity, and demonstrated ability. 


We thus look at the entire person in context. Once we get a full psychological profile of the person, we can determine the fit of that person to the demands of the context. 


We only use assessments that are extensively researched and validated, have the appropriate norms, and are culturally unbiased. Depending on your needs, we can access many combinations of assessments that can be optimised for any level of staff, at competitive prices. 



Given the current South African legislative restrictions around the use of psychological tests, we can only provide psychological content to registered professionals. If you are not a qualifying professional, we translate the psychological content of the various instruments into everyday work language and report on the critical competencies identified. 


Our Integrated Competency Reports are designed to integrate assessment and competency results, and provide narratives within customised as well as generic report template/s. 


You can choose from a variety of report options varying from a simple dashboard to a comprehensive development report, enabling you to manage both the cost and information received. 



Mobilising the individual, the team, and the organisation to achieve the project goal, is the final output of this process. 


This step might include interventions such as individual coaching, team competency development workshops, OD interventions, or business impact studies. 


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