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Psychometrics 360

Multi-source rating tool on 24 key employee competencies

The Psychometrics 360 instrument provides straightforward, intuitive, yet anonymous multi-source feedback to help employees quickly identify their strengths and developmental needs, helping them to drive their work performance in terms of competencies linked to employee effectiveness. The tool recognizes that people often display different behaviours based on the role of the person with whom they are interacting. To account for these differences, ratings are obtained from people with varied relationships to the participating employees. Possible sources of feedback ratings include supervisors, co-workers, direct reports, and customers. Therefore, perceptions are obtained based on observations of the employees’ behaviour in multiple contexts. The feedback provides employees with ratings that indicate how others perceive their work-related behaviours within relationships that vary by characteristics such as expectations and balance of authority. The clarity of the Psychometrics 360 feedback report may therefore enhance employees’ self-awareness, professional development and performance, by enabling them to easily recognise key themes in the responses from others and suggest actionable steps for growth.



Measuring the employee across 24 competencies, the Psychometrics 360 assessment improves an employee’s self-awareness in three key areas:

  • Work and Execution – works to high quality standards, achieves results efficiently, plans work activities, acts responsibly and with integrity, satisfies customers, acts to uphold safety, expresses ideas clearly in spoken form, manages stress

  • Interacting with Others – coaches and develops others, empowers employees, fosters teamwork, displays cooperation and teamwork, encourages open dialogue, shows respect, inclusiveness and sensitivity, handles disagreement constructively, influences others

  • Thinking and Deciding – gathers and analyses information, solve problems and makes decisions, mobilises activity around clear purpose, seeks innovation, displays flexibility, shows organisational awareness, learns skills and develops capabilities


The Psychometrics 360 assessment increases individual self-awareness, and as part of a strategic organizational process can promote:

  • Increased understanding of the competencies and behaviours necessary to improve individual and organizational effectiveness

  • Focused individual and organizational development activities

  • Increased involvement of people at all levels of the organization

  • Increased personal ownership for self-development and learning


Psychometrics 360 Feedback Report: providesthe employee with feedback from both their self-ratings as well as their chosen raters (supervisors, co-workers, direct reportsand others) on the importance of the three key areas for the job as well as their competence demonstrated in these areas. The most and least observed competencies are also indicated, along with the behavioural ratingsas provided by the raters. Lastly, comments and feedback from their raters are provided to the report recipient.


Although South African research is not currently available for the Psychometrics 360,JvR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies in their organisations.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

Not specified





Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Psychometrics Canada Ltd



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