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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)

Helps to improve work, increase productivity, clarify conflict, identify and develop leadership abilities and enhance interpersonal communication.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBT) assessment is one of the world’s most popular personality tools and has become the go-to framework for people development globally. With more than 70 years of science-based, research-based insight, the MBTI assessment is a robust tool for self-awareness and improvement. It provides positive language for understanding and valuing individual differences. With practical insight that’s easy to understand and implement, the MBTI assessment has helped thousands of organizations and millions of people around the world improve how they communicate, learn, and work. 


The MBTI Step I (Form M) identifies an individual’s 4-letter personality type, consisting of four basic preferences:

  • Extraversion – Introversion: How do you direct and receive energy? Do you focus on the outside world, interact with people and take action, or do you focus on your inner world and reflect on ideas, memories, and experiences?

  • Sensing – Intuition: How do you take in information? Do you focus on what you perceive using your five senses or by seeing the big picture and looking for relationships and patterns? 

  • Thinking – Feeling: How do you decide and come to conclusions? Do you logically analyse the situation, or do you consider what’s important to the people involved?

  • Judging – Perceiving: How do you approach the outside world? Do you plan and organise or are you more flexible and spontaneous? 

Combinations of these preferences result in 16 distinct personality types and provide common language for how we interact with the world and each other.  The insights gained provide a framework for tackling a broad range of issues that can be applied in both professional and personal situations. The MBTI Step II (Form Q) delves beyond the 4-letter type framework proposed by Step I and uncovers the many different facets of type that make each individual unique. These deeply personalised insights are perfect for coaching, action planning, and building cohesive teams.


The MBTI is ideal for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Team development

  • Leadership development

  • Conflict management

  • Stress management

  • Career transition and planning

  • Understanding decision-making style


Step I (Form M) provides the following software reports:

  • Profile Report: Provides a basic profile of a client’s 4-letter MBTI type.

  • Interpretive Report: Delivers a concise yet thorough interpretation of a client’s MBTI results.

  • Interpretive Report for Organisations: Employee strengths and target areas for development are identified in this report.

  • Comparison Report - Work Styles: Compares two individuals’ types and helps them to learn to work together effectively.

  • Team Report: Provides information on the team type and individuals within the team.

  • Career Report: Provides easy-to-read graphical information that helps find the best occupational match for a client or student.

  • The Communication Style Report: Provides general descriptions about how individuals with certain preferences tend to prefer to communicate.

  • Decision-making Style Report: Helps a client learn about how personality preferences influence decision-making.

  • Conflict Style Report: Describes how the person is likely to approach and deal with conflict situations.

  • Stress Management Report: Describes how likely the person is to experience and react to stress. It also suggests ways to help manage stress successfully.

  • Personal Impact Report: Supports a comprehensive development experience by applying MBTI type knowledge to eight key development areas.

  • Report for Healthcare Professionals: Helps doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, and clinical staff to improve all aspects of their communication. It helps you to become aware of how your individual personality type preferences impact on the style of care you give.

Step II (Form Q) provides the following reports:

  • Profile Report: Explores the facets of a client’s MBTI type.

  • Interpretive Report: Helps clients to see how their facet results show how they express their type preferences.

Other combined reports include:

  • Strong and MBTI Career Report: Provides information that gives clients a complete career development picture.

  • The Leadership Report using FIRO-B and MBTI: This combined report helps clients learn more about their leadership style.

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