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PBC High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA)

Measures team's performance levels and culture to improve team effectiveness.

Organisations are becoming increasingly reliant on teams to execute organisational strategies and produce results. Effective teams provide greater decision-making capability and capacity to navigate increasingly complex work environments. With the work context changing, it has become more important to make use of team diagnostic tools that identify processes and behaviours that are critical to the successful collaboration of team members and effectiveness with which teams achieve organisational goals. The HPTA identifies essential characteristics required for team effectiveness and efficicency, providing team members with the opportunity to gather feedback from each other about their team’s performance and culture. Factors that impact on the teams’ capability to achieve deliverables, and standards of teamwork behaviours and values are considered.


The HPTA consists of 12 scales:

  • PERFORMANCE: Strategy, Innovation, Accountability, Leading Change, Results, Meeting Effectiveness

  • CULTURE: Trust, Professional Conflict, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Collaboration, Resilience


  • Team building and development

  • Benchmark and track performance


  • HPTA Executive: for senior leadership teams who are responsible for performance management and direction of an organisation.

  • HPTA Management: for teams within an organisation who are responsible for running business units or departments.

  • HPTA Frontline: for groups of frontline employees with complementary skills and capabilities who need to work together to perform an ongoing function

  • HPTA Agile: for groups of employees with complementary skills and capabilities who have to achieve a specific purpose within a defined period of time.

Product Info



Age range

Team members

Administration time

15-20 minutes





Administration Platform

Online Platform

Integrated reports



Peter Berry Consulting


Peter Berry Consultancy

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