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Hare Psychopathy Checklist – Revised: 2nd edition and -Screening Version (PCL-R and PCL-SV)

Assess for psychopathic personality disorders

The Hare Psychopathy Checklist–Revised: 2nd edition (PCL-R) and Hare Psychopathy Checklist–Revised : Screening Version (PCL:SV) assess psychopathic personality disorders in forensic populations, with the screening version also appropriate for use with the general population. The PCL-R provides complete coverage of each domain of psychopathic traits and behaviours. As in the original version, the PCL–R: 2nd Edition provides a total score that indicates the overall assessment of psychopathy. The total score can be interpreted dimensionally in terms of degree of match to the prototypical psychopath, or it can be used categorically to help identify/diagnose psychopaths. An abbreviated version of the Hare PCL-R, the PCL:SV takes about half as long to administer and is an effective screen for psychopathic personality disorders, simplified and broadened to besuitable for use outside forensic settings.


  • TOTAL SCORE: reflects overall psychopathy levels

  • FACTOR 1: selfish, callous and uses others without guilt or remorse

  • Interpersonal facet: manipulates others for selfish purposes, uses superficial charm and deceit to exploit others

  • Affectivefacet: emotionally shallow, experiences little remorse, guilt or empathy

  • FACTOR 2: chronically unstable, antisocial, and lives a socially deviant lifestyle

  • Lifestyle facet: self-indulgent, reckless, sensation-seeking, impulsive and irresponsible

  • Antisocial facet: preference for rule-breaking, prone toviolence, drug use and other criminal behaviour


The HARE PCL forms are best suited for forensic and correctional settings.


The HARE PCL Revised Formhas a Profile Report, that summarises the results of an individual administration, providing scores for all scales. Scoring is done against gender norms.


Although the PCL forms do not have South African norms, JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies in their organisations.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

Not specified


Global norms



Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.


Multi-Health Systems. All rights reserved.

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