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16pf® Questionnaire (16pf)

Measure the qualities and attributes needed for success in a particular role.

With more than 70 years of research, the 16pf can be trusted to deliver objective, empirical measurement of the personality traits that enable you to select and develop the people who will help your organisation thrive and succeed. The 16pf measures 16 different primary personality characteristics structured around the “Big Five” global factors of personality.

The 16pf assesses what an individual will do, not just what the individual can do, empowering global businesses with the right data to make better human capital decisions. It supports competency-based assessment to ensure the right job- and organisation fit.


16 Primary Factors

  • Warmth

  • Vigilance

  • Reasoning

  • Abstractedness

  • Emotional Stability

  • Privateness

  • Dominance

  • Apprehension

  • Liveliness

  • Openness to Change

  • Rule-Consciousness

  • Self-Reliance

  • Social Boldness

  • Perfectionism

  • Sensitivity

  • Tension

 5 Global Factors

  • Extraversion

  • Anxiety

  • Tough-Mindedness

  • Independence

  • Self-Control


The 16pf can be used for the following purposes:

  • Selection

  • Management development

  • Team building and development

  • Career counselling

  • Individual and couple’s counselling


The 16pf has the following software reports with SA norms available:

Profile Report: provides basic respondent profile information mapped onto both Global and Primary factors.

Career Development Report: indicates personal strengths that can lead to success and includes narrative that provides insight into an individual’s personality as it relates to problem solving, stress, interpersonal relationships, work-career interests, and personal growth.

Career Success Report: is designed for higher education students between 16 and 24 years. It uses unique personality information to shed light on possible career exploration, focusing on strengths, interests, and potential areas for growth and development.

Interpretive Report: provides summary charts of a respondent’s scores mapped onto Global and Primary factors. Presents a chart and narrative of each Global Factor that aids the practitioner in interpretation.

Practitioner Report: is a composite of three reports, one for the practitioner, another for the candidate, and one for the candidate’s manager. Information obtained may be used for selection, placement, development, career- and outplacement counselling.

Profile and Manager Feedback Report: is an abbreviated version of the Practitioner Report, includes a two-part format; a scores section for the practitioner; and a Manager Report for individuals who have a say in the selection process, but who are untrained in the 16pf Questionnaire, such as the respondent's supervising manager.

Management Potential Report: focuses on personality issues related to management selection and development.

Competency Report: provides information about a respondent's likely fit on a range of competencies identified as being critical for success in a specific role.

Competency and Candidate Feedback Report: consists of two reports; the Competency Report provides information about a respondent's likely fit on a range of competencies identified as being critical for success in a role; and the Candidate Feedback Report provides feedback to the client.

Comprehensive Insights Report: is a composite of three sections that provide assessment information that is appropriate for the Practitioner, the Candidate (test taker), and the candidate’s Manager. It provides key information for use in selection, placement, development, and career- and outplacement counselling.


The 16pf 5th edition questionnaire has been adapted for use in South Africa. There are South African norms available for students and working adults. A technical supplement for adult working norms was released in 2014. Research is continuously being conducted with this instrument, and JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies on the 6th edition in their organisations.

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